“Homosexuality & The Black MaleIn today’s society many young men are stepping out of the closet embracing their
transgender / homosexuality generic genes of being a feminine woman via social media. Many beat their faces with makeup and rock the hottest bundles of weave as they cover up their bodies under silky dresses standing tall in heels. Most of them have masculine facial feature that shows pure handsomeness under all the M.A.C makeup in which they have mastered the skills of applying ever so flawlessly. These male have studied the art of being a diva down to the T, embodied the ratchet dance of twerking and acting as if they were born with a vagina. And after they have posted their 15 seconds of videos and selfies with puckered lip glassed lips openly expressing and exposing themselves to the world. I as many of you started to wonder what is going on with the feminization and
emasculation of today’s male? Is it something in the drinking water or is Neely Fuller’s of predication form his book The United Independent Compensatory Code System Concept on White Supremacy
published 1984. In this book Neely clearly states “the white
supremacy will have black men wearing dresses”. Now is he right or are black men being targeted as the race that started this trend? Please follow on Instagram and look for the post Ace Magazine Tyesha Talks Everything: Homosexuality & The Black Male to reply. Tyesha TalksColumnist
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